Those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles … (Isaiah 40:31, NASU)
There she was – a beautiful, majestic American Bald Eagle – separated from the curious crowd by a moat and a four-foot fence. She was perched on a large log. Above her, the open sky beckoned – no cage, no netting, nothing to obstruct her flight. Yet, there she perched observing her observers. She made no effort to leave her perch. Actually, she could not have flown if she had wanted. She had been grounded by the loss of her left-wing. She lost her wing when she became entangled in high voltage electrical lines. Having been rescued, she was nursed back to health and now she made her home at the Dallas Zoo – a spectacle for curious zoo patrons.
Read more ... https://erniecarrasco.com/2019/06/02/broken-eagles/